HTML List(unordered list,ordered list,description list) - Web Development and Web Design Codes


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

HTML List(unordered list,ordered list,description list)

HTML List(unordered list,ordered list,description list)

There are three type of html lists..
1. unorderd list
2. ordered list
3. definition list..
I have provide some html list example below..
HTML List(unordered list,ordered list,description list)
HTML List(unordered list,ordered list,description list)
1. HTML unordered list:
Unordered tag start with <ul> and end with </u> and list item start with <li> and end with </li>
   =>unorderd list example:
<li>HTML List</li>
— The output of the above example will look something like this:
  • HTML List
  • HTML
  • CodeNair

1. HTML unordered list:-- Choose List Item Marker
list-style-type property is used to define the style of list item marker
list-style-type:disc -- by default..
list-style-type:circle --set list item marker to circle
list-style-type:square --set list item marker to  square 
list-style-type:upper-roman --set list item marker to Upper Roman
list-style-type:upper-alpha  --set list item marker to Uppercase 
   =>unorderd list item marker example:
<ul style="list-style-type:disc">
  <li>HTML List</li>
<ul style="list-style-type:circle">
  <li>HTML List</li>
<ul style="list-style-type:square">
  <li>HTML List</li>

  <li>HTML List</li>

<ul style="list-style-type:upper-roman">
  <li>HTML List</li>

<ul style="list-style-type:upper-alpha">
  <li>HTML List</li>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:
html unordered list
html unordered list

2. ordered list:
ordered tag start with <ol> and list item start with <li> tag..
list item will marked with number by default
   =>ordered list example:
  <li>HTML List</li>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:
  1. HTML List
  2. HTML
  3. CodeNair
  =>ordered list marker : html type attribute
type=1 -- number value by default
type=A  --list item will be marked with uppercase
type=a  --list item will be marked with lowercase
type=I  --list item will be marked with upper roman
type=i  --list item will be marked with lower roman..
  =>ordered list marker Example:
<ol type="A">
  <li>HTML List</li>
<ol type="a">
  <li>HTML List</li>
<ol type="I">
  <li>HTML List</li>
<ol type="i">
  <li>HTML List</li>
<ol type="1">
  <li>HTML List</li>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:
html ordered list
html ordered list
3. HTML defination list:
A definition list is a lists of item with a description for each item..
   =>definition list example:
  <dd>- Hypertext Markup Language</dd>
  <dt>Web Design</dt>
  <dd>- HTML and CSS</dd>
  <dd>- Web Development and Online Earning</dd>
— The output of the above example will look something like this:
- Hypertext Markup Language
Web Design
- HTML and CSS
- Web Development and Online Earning

HTML nested list:
   =>nested list example 1:
  <li>HTML List</li>
      <li>HTML CSS</li>
      <li>PHP MySQL</li>
  <li>Web Programming
     <li>Web Design</li>
  <li>Web Development</li>
— The output of the above example will look something like this:
  • HTML List
  • CodeNair
    • HTML CSS
    • PHP MySQL
  • Web Programming
    • Web Design
    • Web Development

   =>nested list example 2:
  <li>HTML List</li>
      <li>HTML CSS</li>
      <li>PHP MySQL</li>
  <li>Web Programming
     <li>Web Design
  <li>Web Development
— The output of the above example will look something like this:
  • HTML List
  • CodeNair
    • HTML CSS
    • PHP MySQL
  • Web Programming
    • Web Design
      • HTML
      • CSS
    • Web Development
      • PHP
      • ASP.NET

HTML Horizontal list:
<!DOCTYPE html>
ul {
    list-style: none;
 margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    background-color: black;
li a {
    color: white;
    text-align: left;
    padding: 15px;
    text-decoration: none;

li a:hover {
    background-color: red;

  <li><a href="#home">Home</a></li>
  <li><a href="#news">CodeNair</a></li>
  <li><a href="#contact">HTML</a></li>
  <li><a href="#contact">JavaScript</a></li>
  <li><a href="#about">CSS</a></li>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:
html horizontal list
html horizontal list
That's it Friends all about html list.. Thank you for Visiting...

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