Object Oriented PHP(php oop) Part-01 (Class, Method and Object) - Web Development and Web Design Codes


Friday, February 2, 2018

Object Oriented PHP(php oop) Part-01 (Class, Method and Object)

PHP OOP (Class,Method and Object)

PHP OOP Part 1--(PHP Class,Method and Object)

PHP Class:
in php oop class begin with the keyword class, followed by a class name, followed by a pair of curly braces which enclose the definitions of the properties and methods belonging to the class.
//Declaration Class
class Test{
     //Declaration Property
 public $name='ANJAN KUMAR';
 //Declaration Method
 public function User(){
  return $this->name;
//Access in Class
$obj=new Test();
//echo result
echo $obj->User();
PHP Property:
When you create a variable inside a class, it is called a ‘property’.
public $name='ANJAN KUMAR'; is Property of Test Class..
PHP Method:
When you create a function outside of a class/object, you can call it a function but when you create a function inside
 a class, you can call it a method.
A class’s methods are used to manipulate its own data / properties.
public function User() is Method. Note:Don't Forget.. in a class, variables are called ‘properties’ and functions are called ‘methods’.

Example 2:

//Declaration Class
class Studends{
 //Declearation Property
 public $name;
 public $age;
 //Declaration Method
  public function StudendName(){
       return 'Your Name Is: '.$this->name.'
  public function StudendAge(){
       return 'You Are '.$this->age.' Years Old';
//Calling a Class
$ObjName=new Studends();
//Setting Students Name and Age
$ObjName->name="ANJAN KUMAR";
//Echo Result
echo $ObjName->StudendName();
echo $ObjName->StudendAge();
Your Name is: ANJAN KUMAR
You Are: 20 Years Old
I hope You Understand class,property and method in php oop. please keep visiting for next tutorials. Thank you for visit...

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